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The terms of issuing certificates for renewable energy installers K 16/15

Ref. No. K 16/15


Warsaw, 20 June 2017

The Constitutional Tribunal, in a bench composed of:

Stanisław Rymar – Presiding Judge
Grzegorz Jędrejek
Piotr Pszczółkowski
Piotr Tuleja
Sławomira Wronkowska-Jaśkiewicz – Judge Rapporteur

Grażyna Szałygo – Recording Clerk,

having considered – at a hearing on 20 June 2017, in the presence of the applicant, the Sejm and the Public Prosecutor-General – an application by the Ombudsman, lodged with the Tribunal to determine the conformity of:

Article 136(4)(2) of the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015 (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. item 478) to Article 65(1) in conjunction with Article 2 and Article 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland,

adjudicates as follows:

Article 136(4)(2) of the Renewable Energy Sources Act of 20 February 2015 (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. of 2017 item 1148):

a)  in the version that was binding from 4 May 2015 until 30 June 2016, in the part comprising the words “issued on the basis of the provisions of the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. of 2012 item 572, as amended)”, is inconsistent with Article 32(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland as well as is not inconsistent with Article 65(1) of the Constitution;

b)  in the version that has been binding since 1 June 2016, in the part comprising the words issued after 1 September 2005 on the basis of the provisions of the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. of 2012 item 572, as amended), is inconsistent with Article 32(1) of the Constitution as well as is not inconsistent with Article 65(1) of the Constitution.

Moreover, the Tribunal decides:

pursuant to Article 59(1)(2) of the Act of 30 November 2016 on the Organisation of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Mode of Proceedings Before the Constitutional Tribunal (Journal of Laws – Dz. U., item 2072), to discontinue the proceedings as to the remainder.

The ruling was unanimous.

Stanisław Rymar Grzegorz Jędrejek Piotr Pszczółkowski Piotr Tuleja Sławomira Wronkowska-Jaśkiewicz.