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SK 26/19, 17 VI 2020
Exemption from the corporate income tax of the income of a limited-liability company as regards the part allocated for and spent on health care
K 3/19, 10 VI 2020
The loss of membership in a housing cooperative
K 11/18, 10 VI 2020
The reopening of proceedings, the determination of the invalidity of a decision and its repeal, or the modification of a decision, in the case of decisions on the State Treasury’s takeover of the land which was not managed by its owners in person, or ...
P 13/19, 2 VI 2020
The exclusion of a Supreme Court judge from the examination of a case
P 2/18, 20 V 2020
The exclusion of a limitation period for the recovery of insurance premium receivables secured by a mortgage
P 19/16, 29 IV 2020
The exclusion of the application of provisions on court costs in electronic writ-of-payment proceedings (parties deprived of the right to request exemption from court costs)
U 2/20, 20 IV 2020
The Supreme Court’s resolution of 23 January 2020, ref. no. BSA I 4110 1/20, issued jointly by the Court’s Civil Chamber, Criminal Chamber, as well as Labour Law and Social Security Chamber
P 22/19, 4 III 2020
A motion to exclude a judge from the examination of a case, due to an allegation raised about the defective appointment of the judge by the President of the Republic, who acted upon the request of the National Council of the Judiciary
P 13/18, 11 XII 2019
The free-of-charge ex lege acquisition of property by the State Treasury (introductory provisions to the National Court Register Act)
SK 16/19, 10 XII 2019
A three-month time-limit to file a complaint to reopen proceedings in the case where a relevant judgment was issued on the basis of a forged or fraudulent document, and the requirement that the complaint filed after the lapse of the time-limit be rejected
P 9/18, 26 XI 2019
The lack of the possibility of appealing against a competent court registrar’s decision on the entry of a debtor into the Register of Bad Debtors
K 4/17, 20 XI 2019
The financial liability of the units of local self-government (the self-government of Mazowieckie Voivodeship as the establishing entity) for the nett loss of independent public health-care centres