Press releases after the hearing
SK 87/19, The powers of a competent court official to adjudicate on court-appointed legal representation, district courts’ review of such decisions; the mandatory requirement of professional legal representation in proceedings before the Supreme Administrative Court
SK 89/19, Juridical acts to the detriment of creditors barred from being deemed legally ineffective with regard to those creditors after the lapse of 5 years from the date of the said acts
U 10/24, Religious instruction in state kindergartens and schools
SK 13/24, Limitation to two months for the exercise of a retired public prosecutor’s right to return to active service upon his/her request
P 11/24, Recognition of depreciation costs as income generation costs
K 15/23, The Act of 13 July 2023 amending the Act on export insurance options guaranteed by the State Treasury as well as certain other acts
K 8/24, A preliminary application for holding the President of the National Bank of Poland accountable before the Tribunal of State
SK 90/22, The costs of unpaid legal representation provided by a court-appointed advocate
K 29/23, Public radio and television broadcasters – the applicability of provisions permitting: the liquidation of joint-stock companies; and the recall or suspension of a management board member by the general assembly of shareholders
K 23/23, The procedure for holding the President of the National Bank of Poland constitutionally accountable
Kp 1/23, The Act of 13 January 2023 amending the Supreme Court Act and certain other acts
K 8/21, A (periodic) penalty payment or a lump-sum payment imposed by the CJEU; interim measures pertaining to the constitutional order and to the functioning of the constitutional authorities of the Republic of Poland