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K 27/15, 18 X 2017
Administrative proceedings on enforced debt collection; immovable property subject to enforced debt collection
Kp 4/15, 5 X 2017
Probation officers; legislative process
SK 31/15, 3 X 2017
Enforced collection orders; the terms of issuing enforcement clauses
SK 36/15, 27 IX 2017
The terms of granting childcare allowances to supplement family benefits during the period of parental leave
P 2/16, 26 IX 2017
The terms of granting old-age pension benefits in the old and new social insurance systems
K 10/17, 11 IX 2017
The Civil Procedure Code – evaluating the correctness of the election process with regard to a judge of the Tribunal, the President of the Tribunal and the Vice-President of the Tribunal
SK 35/15, 21 VI 2017
The terms of determining rates for the services of advocates as well as the State Treasury’s payment of the costs of unpaid court-appointed legal representation
K 5/17, 20 VI 2017
The Act on the National Council of the Judiciary
K 16/15, 20 VI 2017
The terms of issuing certificates for renewable energy installers
U 3/17, 1 VI 2017
The establishment of the communes of Szczawa and Grabówka
SK 49/13, 12 V 2017
Resolutions issued by a water management company; the determination of the invalidity of such a resolution
P 34/15, 25 IV 2017
Rehabilitation benefits