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P 7/09, 15 III 2011
Assigning the legal validity of official documents to excerpts from banks’ account books in civil proceedings
K 32/09, 24 XI 2010
Treaty of Lisbon
K 13/07, 9 XI 2010
Proceedings to secure claims in cases concerning the protection of personal interests, which have been brought against the means of social communication
P 34/08, 29 X 2010
Acquisition of ownership of an immovable property by usucaption
K 10/08, 27 X 2010
Revoking the immunity of judges who retroactively applied the provisions of the Decree on the Introduction of Martial Law
P 37/09, 20 X 2010
Procedural rules for granting access to documents by the Institute of National Remembrance
SK 26/08, 5 X 2010
Surrender of a person who is the subject of the European arrest warrant
P 31/09, 5 VII 2010
Terms of receiving old-age and disability pensions for Poles working abroad
K 8/08, 18 III 2010
Transactions involving agricultural property
U 5/07, 10 III 2010
Central Anti-Corruption Bureau II
K 6/09, 24 II 2010
Old-age pensions of the former functionaries of state security authorities of the People's Republic of Poland
U 10/07, 2 XII 2009
Including grades for religion or ethics classes in the calculation of a grade point average (GPA)