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SK 60/19, 22 VII 2021
No obligation on the part of the Supreme Court to prepare a statement of reasons for its decision to dismiss a manifestly unfounded cassation appeal; the limited obligation to compensate any damage caused by manifestly unjustified detention pending trial
P 7/20, 14 VII 2021
The obligation of an EU Member State to implement interim measures pertaining to the organisational structure and functioning of constitutional authorities within the judicial branch of government of that Member State
SK 23/17, 1 VII 2021
Locus standi to appeal against enactments of local law – the Air Quality Protection Scheme
SK 37/19, 30 VI 2021
The legislature's failure to include, in the Act on the Management of Immovable Property, the return of immovable property expropriated on the basis of the so-called “Special Act on Public Road Investment Projects”
P 10/20, 16 VI 2021
A decrease in the amount of the police disability pension of a former functionary whose service was for the totalitarian state
K 15/16, 13 V 2021
The status of a tax bearer assigned to the employer for whom a worker performs work on the basis of a work contract under the Polish Civil Code, entered into between the said worker and a third party
SK 19/15, 12 V 2021
The Geological and Mining Act – parties to proceedings for the granting of a relevant concession
SK 97/19, 15 IV 2021
Court-appointed legal representation in civil proceedings determined by a competent court official
K 20/20, 15 IV 2021
The Polish Ombudsman’s fulfilment of duties after the expiry of the five-year term and until the appointment of the new Ombudsman
SK 39/19, 24 II 2021
The taxation of an immovable property of a person conducting economic activity
SK 9/17, 2 XII 2020
A fixed fee for filing a complaint against a determination of the National Appeal Chamber
P 6/19, 1 XII 2020
Amended provisions on bailiff fees