Press releases after the hearing
SK 45/09, The exclusion of a debtor from proceedings before the court of first instance, in the case where the proceedings regarded the enforceability of a ruling issued by a court from another EU Member State
K 16/10, Consent to medical treatment granted by a minor
K 8/09, The special right of a bank to issue an enforced collection order against housing cooperatives which have housing loans from the so-called “old credit portfolio”
K 9/11, The Electoral Code in Poland
P 12/09, Criminal liability for the public insult of the President of the Republic of Poland
Kp 1/11, The Act on optimising employment levels in state budget entities and in certain other entities of the public finance sector in the years 2011-2013.
K 3/09, The Committee on Church Property
K 20/09, Immovable property taken over for the construction of public roads and the expiry of the period for filing claims for compensation.
SK 9/08, Concerning the return of expropriated immovable property.
SK 11/12, The terms of applying for compensation for immovable properties left outside the present borders of the Republic of Poland.