Press releases after the hearing
P 13/19, The exclusion of a Supreme Court judge from the examination of a case
P 2/18, The exclusion of a limitation period for the recovery of insurance premium receivables secured by a mortgage
P 19/16, The exclusion of the application of provisions on court costs in electronic writ-of-payment proceedings (parties deprived of the right to request exemption from court costs)
P 22/19, A motion to exclude a judge from the examination of a case, due to an allegation raised about the defective appointment of the judge by the President of the Republic, who acted upon the request of the National Council of the Judiciary
K 14/17, Aggregated penalties; the Polish Penal Code
K 12/18, The election of members to the National Council of the Judiciary from among judges; an appeal against the said Council’s resolution on an appointment to the office of judge
P 20/16, The acquisition of the right to the so-called early retirement prior to 1 January 2013 vs. the acquisition of the right to an old-age pension
K 1/18, Amendments to the Act on the Institute of National Remembrance
P 19/17, The Competition and Consumer Protection Act
K 7/15, Pecuniary compensation for unused holiday time; rules for calculating the amount of the compensation
SK 5/16, The lack of the possibility of appealing against a court’s decision which deprives an injured person of his/her status as a litigant
K 9/17, The Polish President’s act of pardon as a negative premiss causing the inadmissibility of: criminal proceedings, proceedings on misdemeanours, or criminal enforcement proceedings