Press releases after the hearing
SK 55/13, Counteracting drug addiction; the right to decide about the protection of one’s life and health
K 8/14, Failure to exercise statutory authorisation; rules for proceedings before a consul
P 50/13, The illegal abstraction of electricity; the admissibility of both criminal liability and civil liability that implies a sanction (the payment of a charge) to be applied for the same act committed by a given individual
SK 20/12, Freedom to contract; the freedom of economic activity
SK 22/13, The rights of the injured person in criminal proceedings; the injured person as the subsidiary prosecutor
K 49/12, The Polish Tax Code; the so-called silent interpretation
SK 7/13, A restriction imposed on the exercise of the right of ownership within the scope of the principle of return of expropriated immovable property
K 44/12, The Act on Assemblies
K 23/11, Determining the catalogue of information on the individual, gathered by technical means in operational activities; rules for deleting obtained data
K 25/13, Processing the personal data of potential bone marrow donors
K 36/13, Liability of the State Treasury for damage caused by bison, wolves, lynxes and bears
K 23/13, A ground for revoking a legally effective fine