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The terms of granting old-age pension benefits in the old and new social insurance systems P 2/16

Ref. No. P 2/16



Warsaw, 26 September 2017

The Constitutional Tribunal, in a bench composed of:

Zbigniew Jędrzejewski – Presiding Judge
Leon Kieres – Judge Rapporteur
Małgorzata Pyziak-Szafnicka
Stanisław Rymar
Piotr Tuleja,

having considered, at a sitting in camera on 26 September 2017 – in accordance with Article 92(1)(1) of the Act of 30 November 2016 on the Organisation of the Constitutional Tribunal and the Mode of Proceedings Before the Constitutional Tribunal (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. item 2072) – a question of law referred by the Circuit Court in Szczecin:

as to whether Article 53(1)(3) of the Act of 17 December 1998 on Old-Age and Disability Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund (Journal of Laws – Dz. U. of 2015 item 748, as amended) – insofar as it refers to the periods of parental leave mentioned in Article 7(5) of the said Act, which were used by insured persons born before 1 January 1949 – is consistent with Article 32(1) of the Constitution.

adjudicates as follows:

Article 53(1)(3) of the Act of 17 December 1998 on Old-Age and Disability Pensions from the Social Insurance Fund (Journal of Laws of 2017, items 1383 and 1386) – insofar as it refers to the periods of parental leave mentioned in Article 7(5) of the said Act, which were used by insured persons born before 1 January 1949 – is consistent with Article 32(1) of the Constitution.

The ruling was unanimous.

Zbigniew Jędrzejewski
Leon Kieres
Małgorzata Pyziak-Szafnicka
Stanisław Rymar
Piotr Tuleja