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SK 3/20, 22 VI 2022
The guardianship court’s imposition on a child’s caregiver of the obligation to pay a certain amount to a person authorised to maintain contact with the child
SK 53/20, 27 IV 2022
The lack of the possibility of an appellate review in the case of an order by the president of the competent court on the lack of a conflict of interests where several suspects are represented by the same defence counsel
K 12/20, 27 IV 2022
The lack of the possibility of issuing public-order provisions in an ordinance by local self-government authorities on the basis of Article 40(3) and (4) of the Act on Local Self-Government in Communes ...
K 7/21, 10 III 2022
National and international courts' assessment of conformity to the Constitution and the ECHR (on the basis of Art. 6(1), first sentence, of the ECHR) of statutes...
P 10/19, 23 II 2022
The exclusion of a judge from the examination of a case due to the circumstances of his/her appointment; the Polish President’s announcement about judicial vacancies in the Supreme Court; adjudication on the status of a judge by the Supreme Court
K 6/21, 24 XI 2021
Article 6(1), first sentence, of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, insofar as the term 'tribunal' used therein comprises the Constitutional Tribunal
K 3/21, 7 X 2021
Assessment of the conformity to the Polish Constitution of selected provisions of the Treaty on European Union
K 10/18, 27 VII 2021
Restrictions regarding commerce on Sundays as well as on state and religious holidays
SK 60/19, 22 VII 2021
No obligation on the part of the Supreme Court to prepare a statement of reasons for its decision to dismiss a manifestly unfounded cassation appeal; the limited obligation to compensate any damage caused by manifestly unjustified detention pending trial
P 7/20, 14 VII 2021
The obligation of an EU Member State to implement interim measures pertaining to the organisational structure and functioning of constitutional authorities within the judicial branch of government of that Member State
SK 23/17, 1 VII 2021
Locus standi to appeal against enactments of local law – the Air Quality Protection Scheme
SK 37/19, 30 VI 2021
The legislature's failure to include, in the Act on the Management of Immovable Property, the return of immovable property expropriated on the basis of the so-called “Special Act on Public Road Investment Projects”