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K 4/21, 13 XII 2022
The suspension of the driving licence in the case of speeding at more than 50 km/h in a built-up area or in the case of transporting a number of passengers that exceeds the number of seats specified in the vehicle’s registration certificate
SK 20/19, 19 VII 2022
Personal income tax liability resulting from the vague legal definition of ‘economic activity’
SK 13/20, 12 VII 2022
No regulation of the exclusion of a judge from the examination of a case upon a party’s request justified by the party’s subjective loss of confidence in the court’s impartiality and unbiased activity within the limits of the law
SK 32/19, 22 VI 2022
No possibility for a close person, as defined by the Criminal Code, to appeal against a public prosecutor’s decision declining the said person’s request for telephone contact with a pretrial detainee
SK 3/20, 22 VI 2022
The guardianship court’s imposition on a child’s caregiver of the obligation to pay a certain amount to a person authorised to maintain contact with the child
SK 53/20, 27 IV 2022
The lack of the possibility of an appellate review in the case of an order by the president of the competent court on the lack of a conflict of interests where several suspects are represented by the same defence counsel
K 12/20, 27 IV 2022
The lack of the possibility of issuing public-order provisions in an ordinance by local self-government authorities on the basis of Article 40(3) and (4) of the Act on Local Self-Government in Communes ...
K 7/21, 10 III 2022
National and international courts' assessment of conformity to the Constitution and the ECHR (on the basis of Art. 6(1), first sentence, of the ECHR) of statutes...
P 10/19, 23 II 2022
The exclusion of a judge from the examination of a case due to the circumstances of his/her appointment; the Polish President’s announcement about judicial vacancies in the Supreme Court; adjudication on the status of a judge by the Supreme Court
K 6/21, 24 XI 2021
Article 6(1), first sentence, of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, insofar as the term 'tribunal' used therein comprises the Constitutional Tribunal
K 3/21, 7 X 2021
Assessment of the conformity to the Polish Constitution of selected provisions of the Treaty on European Union
K 10/18, 27 VII 2021
Restrictions regarding commerce on Sundays as well as on state and religious holidays