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SK 37/15, 20 XII 2017
The freedom of economic activity
SK 10/16, 19 XII 2017
The right to receive a food parcel by persons deprived of liberty
U 1/14, 19 XII 2017
The terms of determining minimum rates for the services of advocates
K 36/15, 14 XII 2017
The terms of charging fees for the issuance of a new driving licence
SK 48/15, 13 XII 2017
Local Taxes and Duties – the terms of determining the amount of immovable property tax
SK 13/15, 12 XII 2017
Local Taxes and Duties; the terms of determining the amount of immovable property tax
P 13/16, 12 XII 2017
Differentiation in the protection of the housing interests of tenants in the event of the death of one
of co-tenants
SK 39/15, 12 XII 2017
The terms of returning an expropriated immovable property
P 9/15, 4 XII 2017
The competence of the Social Insurance Institution to verify
the amount of a premium basis by verifying the amount
of an employee’s remuneration
SK 29/16, 15 XI 2017
Residential premises provided by authorities on the basis of an employment relationship – the acquisition of a legal title
K 1/17, 24 X 2017
Acts on the Constitutional Tribunal
K 3/17, 24 X 2017
The Act on the Supreme Court, insofar as it concerns the rules
of procedure for selecting candidates for the position of the First President of the Supreme Court